Sunday, 19 February 2012

Filming diary

Day 5 ( Re-Filming Day 3)

Who we are filming: Robyn Archard

What we are filming: Robyn riding whimsically on a bike

Where we are filming:  At The Hampton's (Worcester park)

Things needed: Bicycle, One outfit, Bicycle basket, another car

Duration: 2 hours

How much of our music video is this going to take up: This will not take up a lot of our video but will be used as the most used "filler"

Importance: Very, once we got to our location and started filming we realized just how good it looked. As we first saw it in the video "High by Cleo Sol" this video was seen as one our inspirations.

Difficulty: Quite difficult as we needed to filming tracking, panning and moving hots of our main star on the bicycle we needed to find someone who could drive to do so whilst me and Chloe filmed out star from the window.

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